8th June 2001 – a date that millions of eBIZ.com Pvt. Ltd. associates worldwide will celebrate as the day this revolutionary company was born, to deliver them essential computer education, the ability to harness the power of the internet and the financial freedom to those who intend to acquire it.
Mission of the Company
To educate people of all ages, in the use of computers, help them to reap benefits from the vast powerhouse of information – the Internet.
To enable them to build their own websites, using our user-friendly web-site building tools.
To enable them to earn through the Internet by learning through our e-Educational Packages and helping others to do the same.
What is the product?
eBIZ offers the following Self Learning Educational Packages:
- eBIZ Educational and Web Package
- eBIZ Educational Package
- Free eBIZ Educational Package
eBIZ Educational and Web Package worth's much more than its cost. We always try to add more features, services and products. For buying eBIZ Educational and Web Package pay Rs. 7296 for a year, which includes cost of eBIZ Educational and Web Package Rs.5500, annual maintenance charge of Rs.1000, 12 % service tax and 2 % Cess Charge on Service Tax to Govt. of India. In US $ 172 (Package cost US $ 130 + annual maintenance charge of US $ 31 + handling charges US $ 11 ).
eBIZ Educational and Web Package consists of the following:
Personalized, self-replicating ebizel website
Online tutorials of the following computer courses. Some of the important courses are offered in various regional, national and international languages:
- Introduction to Internet Surfing
- Windows 98
- Windows ME / XP
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Power Point
- Hardware
- Visual Basic
- C Language
- Microsoft Access
- C++ An Object Oriented Language
- SQL A Database Language
- FORTRAN A Computational Programming Language
- Microsoft Front Page
- HTML A Hypertext Markup Language
- Macromedia Flash
- Tally
- PageMaker
- Core Java
- Java Server Page(JSP)
For self evaluation of e-learning on these courses, we offer online testing and evaluation Online language learning tutorial:
A Utility section is added to help our users to face unexpected as well as unwanted situations in life. It is also designed to help our users to improve themselves and their surrounding for the betterment of the life.
Also for development of your own website, we offer:
- The 35 MB web space hosted for a period of one year
- eBIZ Web Builder to develop your website
And many bonus features, like:
- Links to search engines
- Free e-Mail account
- Technical support and customer support
And for those who choose to become associates, there is:
- Online detailed genealogy
- Online e-Daily news
- Post and view meetings
- FAQ's
- Offline educational courses and software on CD (Only for Indian associates)
- Personalized domain name (With extra cost)
And lots more to come...
Note: We are in the process of imparting continuous computer education even to the people who have somehow been deprived of acquiring it, so we keep modifying and adding new courses all the time.
eBIZ Educational Package consists of:
(Rs.1684 inclusive all taxes)
Computer courses:
- Introduction to Internet Surfing
- Windows 98
- Windows ME / XP
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Power Point
- Hardware
- Visual Basic
- C Language
- Microsoft Access
- C++ An Object Oriented Language
- SQL A Database Language
- FORTRAN A Computational Programming Language
Online testing and evaluation
Offline educational courses and software on CD (Only for Indian paid students)
Free eBIZ Educational Package consists of:
(No cost)
Compulsory computer courses:
- Introduction to Internet Surfing
- Windows 98
- Windows ME / XP
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Power Point
- Hardware
Online testing and evaluation